Thursday, February 2, 2012

Now what?!!

Don't know what it is this time, but I've been wheezing since the middle of this afternoon, and it's almost bedtime now.  I'm thinking I'm going to be all right, it's just another minor setback, but I did end up sitting at the computer for a couple of hours earlier, suddenly unable to help the girls with their schoolwork.  Homeschooling while fighting for air is not easy.  I've got it set up so the girls can mostly do their own schoolwork when they need to.  We're also on an almost-year-round schedule, so that we can take days off for my illness, as well as errand days.  Since we live a little way from the nearest city, it's easier (and cheaper given the price of gas) to run all of our errands in one big trip.

The girls all know at 9 a.m. to get out their schoolbooks, which are always put away from the last school day.  Organization is the key to homeschooling (and keeping house) with a major illness.  Everybody has to know what they're supposed to do, and when.

With any luck, I'll wake up feeling better in the morning.  'Night!

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