Thursday, April 19, 2012

Woman Born at Age 22!

More paperwork from Social Security today.  I'm supposed to look over their list of paraphrases of statements I made to them and let them know if any of them need correcting.  Since they've already denied my claim, I don't really see any point to my correcting their information, but I did look it over--after all, they could have had the wrong Deb or something.  What was funny was these two lines, one right after the other:

"I am disabled.  My disability began on (my birthday).

I was not disabled prior to age 22."


They also screwed up one of our vehicles--they said we both owned it when it belongs to only my husband, and they said it's seven years older than it is.

This stuff is just not worth correcting, but last time I applied....

They thought I'd worked in 2008.  I  had a heckuva time fixing that one--they wanted the IRS to send them a statement saying that I had not worked in 2008.  Guess what, the IRS doesn't do that.  Social Security also wanted me to tell them where I had worked.  Imagine me trying to explain that I didn't know where it was I was supposed to have worked, since I hadn't.  Finally got it fixed somehow.

I wonder how many of these errors cause real harm.  And that job-that-didn't-really-exist happened right around the time I lost my benefits--I wonder if that contributed to my losing them.  They say it didn't....

I just finished reading (in a comment section to a news article) about a gentleman who was working, saving money, paying for health insurance,and apparently physically active because he was on a bicycle when the accident happened.  It sounds as if he'd been doing everything right.  Well, after a quarter million dollars in medical bills (which insurance paid), lost vision in one eye, lost fingers on one hand, he can no longer do his old job.  He's now unemployed but not getting unemployment (because he's disabled) and not getting Social Security (because they say he's not disabled).  He has no insurance, and he's running out of savings.  He wonders how he'll continue to treat his diabetes once the money's gone.


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