Monday, July 16, 2012

I'd Like Fries With That, Dr. Moore !

Today I had to call my parents to ask for money.  It's frustrating--my husband hasn't been paid lately, and now he's doing his three-week summer stint with the National Guard and they take a while to process the paychecks.  He's coming home this weekend, and he's going to need money for gas.

There just isn't any way to save money when all you do is stay home and not spend any.  My kids have been complaining these last couple of days about not having things to do, such as sports or clubs, like the other kids.  But we can't afford those things.  It could be worse--we have a home, and groceries.  All I can tell them is that there isn't anything I can do, and that I can't go anywhere either.

I wish there was something I could do, so that one income would stretch further.  But there isn't, and we all just have to accept that this is the way it is.

We had our first day of school today.  Maybe this will keep us all busier.  I've started a couple of weeks early, mostly because of the heat--it's 96 today, and it's supposed to be 99 tomorrow.   It's just too hot to go outside. 

My 16yo is taking geometry, English, chemistry, government, and Spanish.  The 12yo is taking math, English, history, and spelling (she could use some extra work on this, although I've seen real progress on her handwriting).  The 11yo twins are taking math, English, and spelling, and some handwriting, social studies, and science.

Today went well.  I got up at six and got busy--got myself together, did a few chores, got breakfast, and started printing some worksheets.  I'd already done some preparation yesterday--I got out all the textbooks and school supplies and set them up all over our long dining room table.  One child works upstairs, one works in the family room (behind a set of glass doors that keeps my piano playing out of the room where the TV is), and the twins work at either end of the dining table.

The 12yo starts school at eight (I let them have some say in where and when and even what they study).  At nine the twins start, and at 10 the 16yo starts.  I stagger their chores--it's easier on all of us.  I try to sneak some piano playing into the day, between grading and answering questions and housework.  More piano after school.  And I'm studying a little more Spanish--I'd like to be able to work with the girls, who might all take Spanish, unless somebody wants to take something else.

Right now it's after dinner.  We're watching a movie about Temple Grandin.  Then I'll be back at the piano.

I've been studying piano, as my three loyal readers are no doubt well aware.  Right now I'm studying Kabbalah, and I've just started up Spanish again as well.

I asked myself a dangerous question today--why am I always studying something?  One reason is simple--I just like doing it.  But the other reason....

I was told in high school that if I got a diploma I'd be able to get a job.  After I school I kept studying--typing and shorthand mostly, and grammar and spelling--because I wanted to be able to get a job.  I did very well in typing class, so I thought I'd be a secretary.  But they didn't tell me in high school that I'd need a degree from a business college--they hadn't kept up with the times and didn't know that high school was not going to be enough.  Employers wanted me to be acquainted with word processing software, and I'd never been exposed to it.

Then I was told that if I went to college I'd be able to get a job.  After that didn't work, and I found names for what was wrong with me, I thought that if I learned enough about what was wrong with my brain, I'd be able to try really hard and compensate, if I just studied hard enough.

It's a habit now.  Sometime I think I'm still trying to get a job.  I'm trying to get ahead.  I bought what everybody said--that education is a gateway to a better life.  Partly these days it's just something to do.  I have to be doing something.

And now I see my husband working part-time, with his college degree.  There are a lot of unemployed college graduates out there right now.  I've been advising my daughters to go to college.  Sometimes I wonder if that's good advice any more.  Should I tell them to get a master's degree, because a bachelor's just isn't good enough any more?  Maybe a doctorate?  When does this stop?

Will my grandchildren have to have doctorates to get jobs at Wal-Mart?

Movie's over now--time to play the piano.  'Night.

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