Wednesday, May 23, 2012

We Are Here, We Are Here, We Are Heeerrreee!

I've been composing again--Mazurka No. 3 is off to a good start.  I did a bit of yard work this morning, hoping to beat the heat.  The forecast is for several sweltering days with little or no rain.

I'm waiting on a package from my sister.

This all by itself wouldn't be worth mentioning, except for the runaround I've had with the post office.

They'd attempted to deliver the package on the one day last week I was out, and I would have had to have signed for it, so they couldn't leave it here.  I've been trying to figure out a way to pick it up or get it redelivered.

First I tried to call the local office (thinking that it would be better to talk to a small-town clerk than to call the national post office number).  But I couldn't find the number anywhere.  So I called the national number.  Turns out my reluctance to do so was well-founded.  I found myself in computer-automated hell.

After reassuring the computer that I don't speak Spanish, I was told to say one of four things.  But none of those four things was anywhere near what I needed.  I argued with the computer, which kept repeating, "You can say (A), (B), (C), or (D)" every time.   It was just like speaking to a toddler.  After going around several times, and then demanding loudly that I be allowed to speak to a person ('I need a person.  Person.  Per-Son.'), I finally hung up.

Then I got online again, to try to find out about the package.  I have an article number, but the website said there was no such package.  Figures.  So I tried to send an email to the post office.

I entered my name, address, phone, and email address. Then I went through several questions designed to catch me before they end up having to actually read an email from me.  But none of the questions related to my problem.  Finally, after choosing options as best I could, I typed a polite complaint and request for help.  After which I was again asked for my name, address, phone, and email.  The website refused my zip code several times, but finally took it.

So far so good.  Mission accomplished.  I pulled out my chair and little exercise bicycle and got out my phone to call my mother.  After a few minutes, one of my daughters brought in the mail.  And there was a little card stating that they tried to deliver the package today.

Please understand....I have been home today.  All day.  Every minute.  We have two big dogs that bark.  They did not attempt to deliver that package.

If the global warming doesn't get us, the bureaucracy will.

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