Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I'm Laughing on the Inside

It's not going so well.  I'm backsliding.  My breathlessness has gotten to the point where I can only be up off the couch for a couple of minutes once or twice an hour, and it's hard for me to talk.  I'm taking prednisone and sudafed every two hours now--more than I should be, but I don't want to end up in the hospital.  I'm trying to keep on top of the housework--the girls are a big help with that, and with bringing me things and taking care of things that pop up.  We're watching a comedy, but I can't laugh out loud because I'll just start coughing uncontrollably
The air pressure has been low all day.  Low pressure often does a number on me.  I might have been all right except for that.  I could actually be worse.  I probably just have to hold my own until the front passes.

I really want to help my mother clean house tomorrow, but it's starting to look bad.  I'm glad I have a nice mother who understands.  I'm glad I'm all ready for Christmas. 

I've done maintenance on the computer, cleaned up and deleted some stuff, and today I've donated 340 tsps. of medicine on .  Maybe I'll do FreeRice next  I also got my new flylady calendar ( ) all set up for next year, transferring all of the birthdays, etc. from last year.  No, I don't get paid for plugging flylady. :)  Flylady is free and she helps me get organized--it doesn't just come naturally. (Some days it doesn't come at all).  I try to save these kinds of jobs for the next time I get sick.

It hopefully keeps me from getting too depressed or frustrated or bored.

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