Saturday, January 14, 2012

But how will we make the baked potatoes?

Another day, another little bit of improvement.  Yesterday I got to put away another three small containers of Christmas stuff and clean house a little more.  No matter how many chores I assign people, in a month the house still gets to be a bit of a mess.  There is just no substitute for puttering around from time to time.

I actually had a decent night's sleep last night, which is good.  I'd been getting to the point where I'd lean over wrong and start to lose my balance, and just be unable to do math in my head.

And just about that time, we ran out of aluminum foil.

When you're at the point of being so exhausted that you're nauseous and you can feel your face going white from time to time, it's hard to be reasonable.  Or maybe it's hard not to be very directly (dare I say, even unpleasantly), completely reasonable with people.  So you find yourself saying things like, "well, no matter how sick I got, I never should have allowed myself to lose track of how much aluminum foil was in that little box."  Oh, well, it needed to be said.

So I got up this morning and had to go down to the basement deep freeze for a loaf of bread, and I found myself thanking myself.  I've been known to talk to myself before (okay, I'm probably doing it now), so this isn't any particular cause for concern.  Anyway, I opened the deep freeze and said, "You know, I know you've been sick, and I'm really impressed that on the one or two days you were the least bit capable, you went to the store, and now I've opened this deep freeze and there's a dozen loaves of bread in it.  Good job."

Sometimes I just want to hear it.

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