Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day 29

Good evening.  I got really bored and read through my own blog this afternoon.  And one thing that struck me--the way I keep saying to myself, I'm getting better, I'm getting better.  What a lot of ups and downs I've had.  I've done this many, many times over the years, but I've never written it all down and then went back and read it before.

I had a cold....I got worse....I seemed to have dodged a bullet....I overdid it last night....It's not going so well....I'm cold and I can't go get a sweater....I think I've turned the corner....Feeling pretty good....I'm feeling better....Going to the grocery store....Now I can get sick again....I am so sick....It's just so exhausting day after day....I'm breathless just sitting here....I'm getting a little better every day....

I put an awful lot of effort into convincing myself that I will be fine tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be Day 30.  I am still not getting anywhere near enough sleep.  I'm trying to keep up with everything at home.  I'm trying not to cave in to the pressure to just be well now.  I'm trying very hard not to wonder if I will still be doing this in March.

Soon it will be time to go grocery shopping again.  Homeschooling is exhausting.  The Christmas decorations are put away.

I just want to go somewhere for a week and rest.

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