Saturday, January 7, 2012

Cough. Cough cough coughcoughcoughcough....

This might be my earliest a.m. blog post yet.  I am so sick.  It got worse yesterday again, and here I am decidedly not sleeping.  I'm trying not to take too many pills and still stay out of the emergency room.  I'm just sitting here at the laptop working for each breath.  I barely have enough air to croak out a few words at the kids here and there.  As long as I don't start coughing too hard to keep pills down I've got a fighting chance.  And being vertical is way better than being horizontal right now.  Except for the not sleeping part.  The barometric pressure has sunk really low, and that's not good for me, in spite of the lovely weather.

We've got a couple of the girls' friends here for a sleepover this weekend.  At times I'm almost (but not really--I actually like this person and don't like it when she's not doing well) glad that their mother struggles with health problems of her own.  It means the kids aren't fazed by my sitting here at the computer half the night with my bottles of pills.  I've let mine know this morning that they'll be making their own cinnamon rolls.  Probably the brats and dogs tonight, too.  At least I was able to go shopping this week.  And it was fun going to pick the kids up--nothing like unsuspecting victims--er, passengers--on a gravel road with lots of huge puddles on the side to careen unexpectedly toward.  Redneck carwash.  Should have turned around and done the other side, too, while I was at it.

I've finished reading the entire blog :) -- .  It certainly makes being sick more tolerable when you can take a three-week virtual vacation to the other side of the planet and meet fascinating people from a totally unfamiliar culture.  Now I'm off to other things--since I've suddenly become unable to practice the Schubert piece that I'd just gotten back into the groove of, I've started watching other people play it on youtube.  Some of it I've appreciated, some of it I've criticized, and one gentleman I've laughed hysterically at, at least on the inside where it couldn't send me into another round of coughing (and I'm quite certain that's not the response he was hoping to elicit--the laughter, I mean).  I've read about hemiola (1-2-3-1-2-3-1-2-1-2-1-2) and cross modulation.  And I've started writing a brief piece of fiction.  These are all things I just don't find time to do until being sick traps me in a chair, and yet I am feeling spectacularly ungrateful for this time.

I've been thinking that I could be a little healthier and still try to take it easy and take lots of breaks and work on these projects, if the universe wants me to so badly.  Bargaining.  One of the five stage of grief.  Although in my case, I think dark, cranky humor should be a sixth stage.  'Specially at three in the morning.

Well, the cinnamon rolls are almost ready.  Yum!  Gotta go.

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