Thursday, January 5, 2012


I'm back, and thanks to a probably slightly inadvisably high intake of prednisone & sudafed (and the unseasonably warm and sunny weather), I'm feeling pretty good.  But I'm forcing myself to take a break now that the girls and I have put the groceries away and I've got some of the housework done.  I'm going to take lots of breaks tonight, I am.

This is the kind of dark humor you get when you've been sick for three weeks:  I was looking into the deep freeze, when it hit me--good, the deep freeze is full, the fridge is full, the cupboards are full, and the house is clean.  Now I can get sick again.

Hopefully not.  Maybe the unseasonable weather forecast for the next several days will pull me out of this.

So (and no people or animals were harmed in the making of this movie) we were at the grocery, and I was having one of the twins get bottles of diet caffeinated soda pop (everybody should have one vice).  The girls were very helpful today.  Well, the twin was grabbing a bottle, and she knocked another one, grape soda, off the shelf.  It hit the floor, lid first, the lid shattered, and the bottle took off like a rocket.  Seriously, it had delusions of grandeur and thought it was headed for geosynchronous orbit.  It went way up toward the rafters of the supermarket ceiling, then arced back down and crashed into the next aisle.  I went running around to that aisle.  Thank heavens no one was there.  I'd had a vision of some old woman lying sprawled face down on the floor, unconscious, floored by the remaining liter of grape soda that hadn't sprayed all over our aisle.  Then I had to go find a clerk and explain the mess (she was very nice).  Grape soda all over two aisles.  They're probably still talking about it.  Fortunately the bottle missed the wall of the next aisle--end to end wine bottles!

Oh, and it's Maurizio Pollini's seventieth birthday today!!  Happy Birthday Maestro!!

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